Woke up again today at 4:30am. I stared at the ceiling until 6. Then met Nick for Breakfast. I would love to get my sleep schedule back where it should be. : /
The hunt for the windmill continues and a nice old man tries to talk to me:
Anyway, breakfast, then to the bakery and back to the hotel room to hang out till about 10 or so when the castle opens. It is raining again and very gloomy out. Chilly and gloomy. But like the post office, neither wind nor rain nor sleet nor snow will keep me from my quest!
So I headed out into the weather. I wandered down a few different streets this time. I found a bookstore which I would like to explore tomorrow. I also spotted a little Thai/Chinese place which I will try to talk Nick into going to. If Italian food is as good as it is, or really that much better than it is in America here, I hope the Asian food is just as good too.

I saw some signs that had to do with the windmill, but I have yet to find the windmill itself. I'm pretty bummed that I don't read German or Dutch.

After having been out in the rain for an hour or so and coming up empty on my search for the windmill it was time to head back to the hotel. On my way back I passed a really nice old man, (I did say this town was pretty much mostly old people from what I can tell, I've seen very few younger people here)
Anyway, so this nice old man said "Guten Morgen!" (Also, pardon my German spelling, I know its terrible) and then he said a bunch of stuff after that which I did not understand. I felt so bad! I wanted to speak to him and be like, "HI! Good morning to you too! This is really swell weather, even if it is a little chilly. I think your town and your country are beautiful!" But alas, I was kind of taken by surprise and all I could manage to sputter was "Uh, I'm really sorry, nein Deutsch." :( I am so sad. I didn't even ask if he spoke English. Sprechen zie English? :( He said, "Oh, Ok, Thank you." and walked away. I was crushed. Like, I really cannot explain how sad I am that I didn't get to talk to him. :( I wish I could speak every language under the sun. If I had a super power, that is what it would be. To read, write, speak, and understand every language known to man. I vow that when I go to Japan I will be able to communicate with the locals, at least on a rudimenary level.
A very wet and very cold and very sad Tiffani arrived back at the hotel a short while later. :( I got back, hung all my soaking wet clothes out on the heaters to dry, and suited up for some lunch and then prepared to go see if the castle was open.

Bad weather and evening meal time:
After I got back, ate my sandwich and set my clothes out to dry, I was feeling a little sniffly and very cold. The weather didn't show any sign of improving so I opted to wait for tomorrow to see if the weather improves a bit for Castle Viewing. Whether it does or not I will still be going as the Castle is only open Saturday, Sunday and Thursday and tomorrow will be my last chance to see the castle before we head to Berlin.
I hung out at the hotel for a while and when Nick got back we decided to try to the little Thai/Chinese place for dinner. The food was pretty good, but I don't think it was quite as good as the little Italian place. I have to admit, I think it is kind of funny to see/hear Asian people speaking German since back in the states they usually speak their native Asian language when working, and speak English with an accent. Just an observation, no disrespect ment to anyone.
So, all in all another laid back day, hoping for better weather tomorow.
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